
Best quality of wood shavings

Many types of litter are offer to satisfy specific physiological needs of each farm animal. The processes used allow refinement of fine to coarse-sized shavings as well as the possibility of obtaining a blend of wood shavings and peat. Peat litter alone is also available.

Ripe fine
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Fine shavings

Maximum absorption capacity

Fine wood shavings offer maximal absorption. Largely used in hog and dairy farms for rapid and optimal absorption.

See the product
Ripe standard
Ripe de bois - Ferme d'élévage
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Standard shavings

Improves animal comfort

Medium size wood shavings have a high absorption rate and provide comfort to any farm animal.

See the product
Coarse shavings
Ripe de bois - Ferme d'élévage
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre

Coarse shavings

Dust free

Large flakes are dust free and reduce animal respiratory diseases and allergies, especially with horses.

See the product
Bales of pine wood shavings
Ripe de bois - Ferme d'élévage
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Bales of pine wood shavings

New exclusive format

This high-quality pine wood shavings comes in bales of 4 feet by 4 feet, an exclusive format offering an excellent compromise between bags and bulk.

See the product
Ripe et chaux
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Shaving and limestone

Reduce the proliferation of bacteria

Limestone allows to observe a decrease in the proliferation of bacteria.

See the product
Shavings and paper
Ripe de bois - Ferme d'élévage
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Shaving and paper

Unrivalled comfort and absorption

This mixture of shaving and shredded paper provides a very high comfort to the animal, while absorbing 35% more than wood shaving alone.

See the product
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Shaving and perlite


Bagging of this product in pending, in order to find a solution against dust !

See the product
Shaving and peat
Ripe de bois - Ferme d'élévage
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Shaving and peat

A unique blend

Wood shavings and peat moss blend have a high absorption rate. They are used with many animal species.

See the product
Peat Moss
Ripe de bois - Ferme porcine
Ripe de bois - Ferme équestre
Ripe de bois - Ferme laitière

Peat Moss

Peat moss shows a higher absorption rate

Peat moss shows a higher absorption rate than other woodshavings beddings. Rich in organic matter, biodegradable and enriches soil.

See the product