Report of the University of Montreal

Monday, 15 May 2023


Report of the CRSV of the University of Montreal


With the help from Dr Alexandre Thibodeau, professor at the Chair in meat safety (Chaire de recherche en salubrité des viandes - CRSV) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Faculté de médecine vétérinaire - FMV) at the University of Montreal that he was able to test in laboratory four types of bedding to visualize the effects of contamination by Staphylococcus aureus, a mastitis agent.

Product 1: Straw

Product 2: Mix of wood shaving and limestone (new!) 

Product 3: Mix of wood shaving and perlite (new!)

Product 4: Wood shaving+ (coming soon!)


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Sources : Thibodeau, Alexandre. 2023. "Contrôle de Staphylococcus aureus et de E. coli, par le développement de nouvelles litières destinées aux bovins laitiers".

CRSV et U de M